Learn to defend yourself in an emergency
Everyone probably knows that queasy feeling you get when you walk through a deserted parking garage at night and shady people approach you. Self-defense Hamburg supports you here.
Martial arts such as boxing, Thai and kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu provide a good basis per se for preparing students for a completely uncooperative opponent. However, as these are combat ‘sports’, they focus exclusively on one-on-one confrontations with predetermined techniques, defined areas and a fixed set of rules.
Real violence, on the other hand, is fast, dynamic and completely chaotic. At least one person in the encounter will try to hurt another and neither person will know what the other will do next. It’s not what you see in most movies or learn in most martial arts classes. And this is exactly where self-defense Hamburg comes in.
Self-Defense Hamburg offers realistic self-defense as personal training and follows three basic principles:

Many traditional martial arts pretend to focus on self-defense Hamburg for women, for example, but do not train in semi-realistic situations (sparring or randoori) in which they encounter uncooperative opponents who also fight back. Physical training is only one side of the coin. Real self-defense, as in our self-defense course in Hamburg, begins in the mind. Violence is negative and destructive, but when you start to become paranoid and suspect an attack around every corner, your quality of life decreases and you attract aggressors with your fearful nature like honey attracts flies.
Building on this, in the Hamburg self-defense course we practice basic standard reactions that everyone can learn, so that we can instinctively call them up in an emergency situation without having to think about it. In contrast to a huge portfolio of techniques, it is advantageous on the street to keep a cool head and master a handful of easily retrievable practical techniques that even physically inferior people such as women or children can apply safely, quickly and effectively to different defense scenarios.
In contrast to a normal self-defense course, we deal out blows with the open hand, grab and learn to free ourselves from seemingly hopeless situations in order to gain distance from the aggressor as quickly as possible. As a licensed Krav Maga and long-standing martial arts trainer, I also offer a self-defense course for women, children and teenagers as part of Self-Defense Hamburg, in order to provide them with an emergency plan in dicey situations. The self-defense training focuses on battle-tested, easy-to-learn techniques and realistic training.
Self-defense Hamburg – Free trial training*
Self-defense especially for women
What is important in self-defense for women?
Our self-defense course for women in Hamburg provides you with the tools you need to successfully defend yourself in emergency situations. As a qualified self-defense trainer, personal trainer and founder of Your Boxing Coach, I draw on my more than 25 years of experience in various martial arts and my long time in the Hamburg security service for the self-defense course content.
What are the benefits of taking part in a self-defense course for women?
As a self-defense trainer, I am a staunch opponent of fear-mongering. In contrast to other cities, we live very safely in Hamburg. And if you walk through life anxiously, I think you get into conflicts more quickly than the other way around.
However, it is also undeniable that violent crime in a large city such as the one we live in is not a problem. Hamburg happened. Only a small fraction of these end up in the regional news. Women are often at the center of these violent crimes, whether in their own homes, on the way to or from work or when going out in the evening. Quite apart from sexual offenses, women in particular are often seen as vulnerable and easy targets where an aggressor can expect less resistance.
But it doesn’t have to be that way! My self-defense course in Hamburg offers plenty of options that can help anyone to protect themselves in emergency situations. A woman can certainly use her perceived passivity to her advantage, but in return she must be prepared to defend herself confidently and uncompromisingly in the event of an attack. But my course is also suitable for men who want to learn self-defense to strengthen their self-confidence and go through life more confidently.
Why is a self-defense course useful?
Because in a personal training for self-defense I can devote myself completely to your goals and your personal requirements and, if desired, also determine your motives that motivated you to start the self-defense course Hamburg. In this personal setting, I address your fears, create a framework for building self-confidence within our personal training and introduce you to a concept for self-defense that is easy to learn and is characterized by simple techniques. In this concept, we regularly recall what we have learned under mental and physical stress in order to simulate almost real situations. This self-defense training under stress ensures that you can recall the behaviors and techniques you have learned in an emergency situation and do not fall into a state of shock.
Our self-defense course Hamburg offers even more advantages as personal training or as training for small groups:
- We train at a pace that is suitable for you
- If there are difficulties with implementation, we practise until everything is right
- Much faster learning success than in impersonal lessons
- This will help you build confidence in your abilities more quickly
- We focus on techniques specially selected for you
- The self-defense course in Hamburg offers a private atmosphere in which emotions are also allowed
- Personal training serves as a supplement to regular lessons
- You decide when and where we train
In the self-defense training, we first look at the theory of dangerous situations and how we can escape from them preventively at best. Once we have clarified this, we have to deal with the fears that will catch up with us in an emergency situation. We then focus on our self-confidence, which we build and strengthen through practical exercises and in the fitness section. In this part, we focus self-defense training on all the basic motor skills without which it is difficult to escape an unarmed emergency situation.
The Hamburg self-defense course is suitable for everyone, regardless of fitness level. As well as for professional or recreational athletes, individuals or groups.
Krav Maga is not a sport in which opponents compete against each other in a sporting contest. Krav Maga is a pure self-defense system that has the positive side effect of improving athletic fitness, provided you train sufficiently. Krav Maga draws on practical techniques from various martial arts and combat sports, including boxing, Muay Thai, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wing Chun and street fighting. In the Hamburg self-defense course, we only learn techniques that are based on natural functional movements and reactions.
The focus of our self-defense course is on reacting correctly under stress, recognizing dangerous situations early on and skilfully avoiding them.